Optimization Tool
Build portfolios with confidence using our
optimization tool that follows your transition
and return criteria simultaneously
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Your Portfolio Transition Tools
The Portfolio Optimization
Tool of the Future
Progress & Alpha
We help you build financially superior portfolios that are aligned with transition targets.
Detailed Progress Report
Instantly download a detailed report on the transition and financial performance of your investment portfolios
Detailed Benchmark Report
Get a detailed breakdown of the change components, raw performance data, due diligence and the financial materiality coefficients that go to build each score
"Many investors are becoming more conscious of whether a company in which they are investing has considered environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. An informed ESG investor should consult ConsciESG's scores when weighing company progress toward meeting ESG goals.
Meenakshi Rishi
Professor of Economics and Finance, Seattle University
"A large segment of society today, including business and political leaders, consider applying ESG principles as an either-or kind of choice. Instead, we should understand that they represent, in the long term, sound business principles. ConscieESG’s approach to scoring business’ application of ESG principles seeks to bring these two points of view closer together. I, for one, am hopeful that they shall succeed.
Elvin Guri
Managing Partner & CEO, INVENIO Partners
Impact Portfolio
Get the ConsciESG stamp of approval for your portfolio

- Demonstrate the positive impact your investments have on the environment and society.

- Learn which Sustainable Development Goals your portfolio is impacting.

- Address negative performance and optimize on positive performance.

What you'll receive:

Branded 'ConsciESG Certified' badge for display on your website, social channels, and marketing collateral.

Branded Impact Certificate valid for 1 year.

Full Portfolio Diagnostic report.

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